Drivers who are pulled over for the suspicion of drunk driving may be asked to take a field sobriety test. These tests are meant to help a police officer determine if a driver is impaired.
There are many different types of field sobriety tests that a police officer may ask the driver to take. There are only three tests that are considered reliable enough to be admissible in court. Those three tests are collectively known as the standardized field sobriety test. These three tests have been endorsed by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Walk and turn
The walk and turn requires the driver to walk in a straight line heel-to-toe for nine steps. Once they reach the end, they have to turn on one foot and go back in the same manner back to the starting point.
Horizontal gaze nystagmus
The horizontal gaze nystagmus involves the officer watching the involuntary eye jerks that occur when looking side to side. Those jerks become more pronounced when a person is impaired. The officer has the individual follow an object with only their eyes without turning their head.
One-leg stand
In the one-leg stand, the person has to hold one foot approximately six inches off the ground. While doing this, they must count for 30 seconds. The officer will watch how well they can balance because impairment makes it more difficult to balance.
These tests are often used in conjunction with other tests, such as a chemical test, to prove a driver was impaired. A person who’s facing drunk driving charges should work with someone familiar with battling these cases. Getting started early is critical because some options they have may be time sensitive.