When a Mississippi resident sees police officers on their doorstep or lights flashing in their rearview mirror, they often forget they have certain rights under the Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution that can be violated. When officers conduct a search, whether...
Assertive, Results-Driven Representation
Month: February 2021
What should you do before filing for divorce?
Contemplating the decision to go through with a divorce can cause quite a bit of angst for most Mississippi residents. After all, marriage is a big life decision, so ending a marriage is, obviously, equally important. So, what should our readers consider doing before...
Help with child custody worries for Mississippi parents
Working through child custody concerns during the divorce process can be overwhelming. For parents who are facing child custody worries, understanding how child custody is determined can be helpful. How child custody is determined in Mississippi Every child custody...
Reviewing child support payment options
If you need to make child support payments, make sure you stay current and focus on strategies to ensure that you avoid falling behind. For example, look into the benefits of a payment plan, if necessary, as well as adjustments to your lifestyle. Sometimes, it helps...
What does your BAC level really say?
You have likely heard the term blood alcohol content thrown around before. Officers use your BAC level to tell how intoxicated you are. They base this measurement off of the governing DUI laws in the area. In most cases, 0.08 percent is the legal limit. That is as...
Alabama legislature considers wiretaps for drug crimes
Police already possess numerous tools to investigate drug crimes in Alabama that impact rights and privacy. Alabama legislators are now debating a bill that would allow state and local law enforcement to secretly monitor and record someone’s calls and online...
How do contested and uncontested divorces differ in Mississippi
In the state of Mississippi, certain requirements apply to the various divorce or separation options that are available. However, there are two main divorce categories: contested and uncontested. How do these differ? Contested divorce If an amicable parting of the...
What are the top reasons for divorce?
Unfortunately, nearly half of all first marriages end in divorce. The number for second marriages is even higher, hovering at slightly greater than 60%. These statistics have remained fairly constant since the 1980s. Consequently, if you contemplate marrying your...
DUI enforcement tools centrally include these challenging tests
Police agencies spanning Mississippi have no shortage of tools and mechanisms that they employ to identify alleged drunk drivers and ultimately convict them on criminal charges. Sobriety checkpoints (also termed DUI roadblocks) are common across the state. Roving...
Uncontested or contested divorce: Which one is right for you?
Have you given any thought to divorce? Were you aware that there are different kinds of divorce? Every marriage is unique, so choosing the divorce process that suits your circumstances is important. Before taking the first steps toward a divorce, decide if you want...