When you are going through a divorce, one of the things you will need to prepare for is to arrange a visitation agreement with your spouse on behalf of your children. A functional agreement will provide some flexibility to both parties to allow both of you adequate opportunities to maintain and strengthen relationships with your children. Should you or your spouse decide to relocate outside of Mississippi, modifications may need to be made to the original arrangement.
According to verywellfamily.com, there are also other reasons besides relocation that could require you to request that changes be made to the original terms. If you have been committed to following the visitation schedule, but are lacking support or even compliance from your former spouse, it is appropriate to request that a modification be made. Likewise, if you have suspicions or evidence that your children are being mistreated or are endangered when spending time with your ex, you should absolutely ask for changes to be made. Other life-altering changes including the death of a family member, the remarriage of you or your spouse, the growth of your children and even changes to your career could also be reasons to request a modification.
Once you have settled on an agreement, your effort to maintain the terms can help you establish a new routine for you and your children. When it is your turn to spend time with your children, consider creating new traditions and memories that can strengthen your relationships with your children. Be intentional about the time you spend with them and when it is time to send them back to your ex, maintain a positive perspective and refrain from speaking ill of your ex. This approach can help to make the arrangement as positive of an experience as possible for everyone involved.
The information in this article is intended for educational purposes only and should not be taken as legal advice.