Mississippi Divorce And Marital Property Division

Dividing the marital estate can be complicated and contentious. Spouses may feel entitled to specific property or resent giving the other party his or her equitable share. Some assets cannot be split in two and some are exempt from divorce.
Gulfport divorce lawyer Stephen Maggio will assert your interests while helping to bring sanity and solutions to the division of assets. He brings wisdom as a former municipal judge and authority as a formidable trial attorney. He knows when to bring in professionals and when to go court to achieve the most favorable outcome in the most efficient manner.
The Maggio Law Firm, PC, serves clients in Gulfport, Biloxi, Pascagoula and surrounding areas of the Mississippi Gulf Coast. We handle all facets of divorce in both contested and uncontested cases.
Solutions For Complex And High-Asset Divorce Real Estate And Family Business Valuations
Mississippi law calls for an equitable distribution of marital property, but not necessarily a 50-50 split. We can identify and defend separate property that rightly belongs to our client, such as an inheritance or a house owned prior to the marriage. We can also assert a community interest in property that has accumulated and appreciated in value during the marriage, such as a spouse’s business or company pension.
As one of the top divorce lawyers on the Coast, Stephen Maggio has experience representing business owners, professionals and other high net worth clients. He can knowledgeably address the issues that commonly arise in high-asset divorce, such as:
- Valuation of a closely held business
- The marital residence and other real property
- Retirement accounts and investments
- Executive perks and deferred compensation
- Vehicles, guns, jewelry and other valuables
- Loans and joint debts
- Amount and duration of spousal support (if any)
- Transferred assets and secret accounts
- Custody, support and living arrangements of children
- Adultery, cruelty or domestic violence in the marriage
Dividing property requires trade-offs or concessions, especially if one party desires to keep the business, the house, the 401(k) or another major asset. Our attorney will help you prioritize and strategize so that you emerge from divorce with your finances intact and prepared to move on with your life. We try to limit litigation to those issues that can only be resolved by a judge, to minimize the duration, expense and acrimony of divorce.
Protecting Your Interests In The Division Of Property
At The Maggio Law Firm, PC, we strive to deliver personalized attention and individualized solutions. To discuss marital property division in your Mississippi divorce, please call our Gulfport law office today at 228-206-6637 or contact us online.