Mississippi parents understand the importance of putting their children’s needs first. When parents are no longer together, they still have the obligation of supporting their children. A noncustodial parent is often ordered to pay child support for their children....
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Child Support
It takes extra steps to make sure child support grows with costs
When you got divorced, the courts probably issued a certain amount your partner would pay to help cover the costs of raising your children. But while prices are constantly growing, you’ll have to take special steps to make sure the support grows along with it. The...
Understanding income withholding for child support
Parents are required to make their child support payments on time and in full. For Mississippi parents who have a child support order, it is possible that their employer will need to withhold income so the payments can be made. For the custodial parent and the...
Understanding the child support formula
When there is a divorce in Mississippi and children are involved, it is important to understand how child support will factor in with the case. Parents undoubtedly want what is best for their kids and that includes making certain they have everything they need to...
Legal advice is imperative with Mississippi child support issues
In Mississippi, one of the most complicated aspects of a family law case is child support. Once the child custody and visitation rights are determined, it is imperative that the custodial parent receive a sufficient amount to provide the child with a safe and secure...
When might there be a deviation from the child support formula?
When a couple in Mississippi divorces and must deal with a child support determination, there are many factors that are considered when the amount is calculated. A child support formula is used in many cases. With that, the court will try to come to a fair amount for...
Which child rearing expenses does child support cover?
Many financial responsibilities come with raising a child. This remains even when the parents are not together. Whether you believe you will be the payer of child support or the parent receiving it - you likely have many questions about child support. Child support is...
Why are child support amounts specifically determined?
For anyone who is a parent, they know that having children is a great joy. However, they also know that children are a great financial responsibility. When parents co-parent from separate households, the financial responsibility still falls on both parents even if the...
Are Mississippi’s Child Support Guidelines absolute?
Like other states, Mississippi has Child Support Guidelines. These Guidelines provide a formula for judges in Mississippi to use when setting a dollar amount for support. Because one point of these Guidelines is to ensure that judges are consistent when it comes to...
The challenging issues when it comes to child support
Although Mississippi residents will face a multitude of issues in any given divorce case they are involved in, the issue of child support can cause years of friction between the soon-to-be ex-spouses. Or, if a couple was never married, but have children, child support...