Things can be a bit more complicated for co-parents after a divorce. They have to consider their ex’s rights to see the children, and they are not just making decisions for themselves. One way in which this shows up is when someone wants to move or relocate. For...
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Child Custody
Co-parenting isn’t for everyone
Co-parenting is an option for divorcing parents who wish to have some control over how their children are raised. Each parent in a co-parenting plan is often given some physical and legal custody. Physical custody is a parent’s obligation to house and feed their...
Sharing custody during the holiday season
If you are in the middle of divorce proceedings or have recently divorced your spouse, you may be dreading the winter holidays. After all, it is the time of the year you spend with close friends and family, some of whom you met through your spouse. What might make it...
Mississippi custody laws: who gets to choose the child’s school?
A child’s school plays an essential role in their growth and development. A school’s curriculum, teachers and overall environment largely influence a child’s behavior and character. This is why parents thoroughly research school backgrounds and opportunities to ensure...
How can a DUI charge affect child custody and parenting time?
Driving under the influence (DUI) can have profound consequences for individuals. It may include potential jail time, fines and a criminal record. But for parents who rely on custody arrangements to see their children, getting a DUI conviction can also significantly...
Can a child choose which parent to live with?
Divorce is difficult enough for children, but even more so when they are the subject of disputes. While their parents may have clashing opinions regarding custody, the child may also have their own thoughts. If the child is mature enough to form an opinion, the judge...
Can you use this evidence to seek a child custody modification?
An initial child custody determination may feel like it has a sense of finality to it, especially if it was fought over aggressively by you and your child’s other parent, but these orders are only good as long as they serve the child’s best interests. As circumstances...
Tips for building a stronger co-parenting relationship
Figuring out how to raise your children with your ex-spouse or ex-partner can be a struggle. You and your child’s other parent may have different parenting philosophies, and you might each have different ideas about what’s best for your child. This can make effective...
How to help your child transition to school after a divorce
The summer is generally a relaxing time, but couples who divorced over the summer months may find the looming school year to be a source of stress. How will you help your child transition back to school when their entire life as they know it has changed? Relax and...
How to go about obtaining a child custody modification
Child custody can be an important ongoing topic and area of concern for divorced couples with children. Parents who share custody or have child custody concerns should be familiar with how child custody is determined and how it may be modified in certain situations....